Saturday, October 27, 2012

Night Sky

As we finished up our unit on weather last week, part of my students' homework was to observe the night sky.  I typed up a quick parent letter and a recording sheet for students to record the date and time, the temperature, a picture of the moon and space for them to write observations.  Each morning, students were SO excited to share what they saw in the night sky!  We read several nonfiction books about the moon and constellations and those little second graders ate up every bit of it!  Some parents even found apps on their smart phones that point out constellations.  On Friday I told them they wouldn't have to look at the moon for homework anymore, but that they should keep watching how the moon changes.  I couldn't believe my ears when I heard several students saying, "Aww, Ms. Lemmon, can't you put more sheets in my homework folder?  I love looking at the night sky!"  I was such a proud teacher of my inquisitive learners!  

Get your copy of the Night Sky Observation Set here!  The set includes a parent letter, a one-page recording sheet and a printable booklet for students.  I'll be making copies of the booklet on Monday to send home with my students!

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